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Plank size: 190 x 1860mmPrice: £87.95 per sqm2.11 sqm per packExtra Rustic & Oiled FinishBurfield: Splashed by spring water since the beginning of time, the stones are smooth and rounded, as though polished by a thousand footfalls. They’re sleek to the touch as you clamber along the water’s edge.

  • 15mm Thick
  • 4mm Wear Layer
  • Tongue and Groove
  • 25 year warranty
  • Bevelled Edges
  • Suitable for underfloor heating
  • Can be floated
  • Can be stuck down
  • Can be secret nailed
All Burfieldfloors are painstakingly handscraped for a finish that brings a whole new dimension to your natural floor. Creating a surface with undulating ridges and grooves, handscraping adds depth and definition to the wood, capturing an aged look that's distinctive by eye yet smooth to the touch.

Burfield Natural Oak

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